Are you going to start building a website? If yes, then ask a few questions from yourself before creation that on which technique/approach (user experience, fantastic design or SEO optimization), should I need to focus primarily?
However, the mind-blowing design and animation will augment the visitors’ retention, but think about the objective and realize that beautifully-designed website is not an end to attain maximum possibilities.
Ignoring SEO can cut down the success of a site at point of time, so don’t limit your business possibilities, especially when you want to make it reputed. So, give your best endeavors to utilize the designing features and make your website optimized according to the trendy SEO strategies. You can take help from SEO specialist and create a fruitful bridge between SEO and design of site to bring back it on the track of success. But, always avoid impending design, which can hurt your site and its optimization negatively.
Some Website Designing Trends That Hurt SEO
1. Mobile Optimization
Google has been started flagging up those websites that are improperly optimized across mobile and smart handheld devices. If you randomly pick any mobile device to open any non mobile-optimized website via the most popular search engine named Google, then it redirects you to the default homepage and Google will warn you that site cannot run properly on this device. This wondering result can compel the users to leave the webpage. Google has made the things simple and tie the mobile websites with parent URL to provide you better user experience. Additional take care is required and you are susceptible to matching content, especially when you search mobile-only sites.
2. Parallax Design
Among the modern website design trends, parallax design is the prevalent one these days, so you cannot deny continuously rising parallax scrolling effects. But, it is drastically impacting SEO. Obviously, it raises an alarm bell from SEO perspectives as the worth of whole website is considered by the keywords that are spread out across one URL.
In short, parallax design adopts the scrolling effects, which appears fine, but truth is just opposite and it is executed poorly. Furthermore, it affects UX in negative way.
3. Fixed navigation & UX Design
Another major trend of website design for 2015 is UX design & fixed navigation. This is not only due to the reason that Google gives preference to flashy user interfaces. Without an effective UX design, it is really tough to come back the users on a site. Compelling content and flawless keyword research does not work unless your site provides intuitive user experience. So, bring the modern SEO rules and apply them adeptly into the websites to make it search engine optimized.
Due to the inclusion of difficult things and bad user experience, your potential niche can say goodbye to you. Hence, avoid the usage of fixed navigation, which leads your site towards the low search ranking. The fixed positioning and stumbling block do not support completely to distinct mobile browsers, so it might cause while running through small mobile devices.
4. Animations, Images & Effects
The demand of users is changing rapidly and now everyone wants engaging visual experience. With the modern technologies, the scale of the website designing has also widened, which provides more rooms & opportunities to developers to include images, effects and animations and make the site appealing. The websites overloaded with graphics can offer terrible experience to the users on different mobile devices like smartphone, iPads, tablets, etc. Trouble with the use of heavy images and large amount of content is almost these rely on AJAX loading content, which is not being indexed by Google. However, search engines have brought advancements in script understanding, but why to take risk for the site.
5. Off-screen Navigation
Same with the fixed navigation and UX issues, off-screen navigation also hurts SEO. You will see a “hamburger” symbol, when it comes into play that are used to showcase & hide the mobile nav menu. Like fixed navigation, it directly impacts page ranking. Sometimes, this approach creates confusion, because many visitors don’t understand hamburger symbol and they surprise to see such things. Due to which, users can leave the page and go somewhere else.
6. Single Page site
One of the most trendy approaches, single page website design is consistently killing SEO, because with these sites, you can focus only on 1 or 2 keywords. And, if you endeavor to optimize the page of your site more, then the content available on same page might turn into worthless on-page SEO. Google is smarter than you to judge, so don’t try to make it fool, because it may impact your site and harm it. If you try to cheat Google, then the possibilities to dock you are more.
The implementation of all above-mentioned mistakes can result as the major mistake, which might break the growth of a site rapidly. So, regardless of doing such things while designing a website, take an ultimate step in order, which will turn your site into worthy and most popularly searched design.